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Monday, February 13, 2017

Photos confirm crimes against Assad in the Syrian prisons

the refusal of Prime Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, Amnesty International, which accused the regime executed 13 thousand people hanging on the report Over 5 years in Sednaya prison, in an interview published Friday. The organization of human rights defender has been reported, on Tuesday, that the executions of up to "the ranks of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and they still continue probably in Sednaya prison near Damascus

Sednaya prison
When Assad asked about Amnesty International's report on the Sednaya prison, or what is known as the "human slaughterhouse", where they were hanged between 5000 and 13000 in mass hang operations, the report also talked about the horrific conditions experienced by the detainees in that place, and also for the trial of blindfolded prisoners eyes secret trials and without the presence of lawyers, the report dealt with events that are contrary to all forms of international law. Assad replied that organization's report "puts into question their credibility," and claimed "it is always biased and politicized, and it does not guide the  organization on what is stated in its report. Assad also claimed that the organization does not have the documents or tangible evidence, even though the organization had conducted interviews with four guards and officials at the prison, and with three Syrians former judges, and three doctors, he said, the lion, "this does not mean anything."
Photo detainees died under torture in Syrian prisons In response to the report, the executions were approved by officials at the highest levels of his government, Assad said, "This is not true, absolutely not true." Syrian tragedy in the Assad regime's prisons are not only limited to the Sednaya prison, there are other pictures of detainees from Tadmur prison and jail Hama and other branches of the prisons Assad spread across Syria, all of which confirm the crimes of this regime, which lasted for many years during the reign of the Syrians. There are also many pictures of the detainees died under torture in the prisons of the lion.

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Monday, January 16, 2017

Wimal's wife gives evidence in courts about youth who died in the house

Lahiru Janith, a 24 year old youth died mysteriously last October as a result of taking an overdose of the steroid Viagra, as a consequence of suffering from a heart ailment. Evidence in this connection was called for last 11th (day after Wimal Weeravansha was taken into custody) at Kaduwela Magistrate Courts on which occasion MP Wimal Weeravansha's wife Mrs. Sashi Weeravansha came forward before Magistrate and Additional Judge Mr. Prasanna Alwis and
submitted her evidence in this manner:
"Deceased Lahiru is my son's best friend. From sometime back the two of them have been having a close relationship. Frequently he used to lodge in our house in the nights in the company of my son. In the same way he came on the night of this incident too. He then had his meals after going home and returned once again and asked, 'aunty ... shall I go?' His eyes were swollen. I then asked 'son .. why is this?' He then replied saying 'maybe because of breaking rest'. After that all of them worshipped at my feet and took leave of me and proceeded upstairs. They were watching a movie. Later they went to sleep and it was only in the morning that I came to know.
Around 9 in the morning my son came running and told me 'amma ... Lahiru aiyya is not getting up'. I then answered him saying 'how can that be?' Son then said 'amma come and see ... I am not joking'. I then called Lahiru's mother Rupika over the phone and told her 'your son is not getting up ... come quickly'. Later when Rupika came and started running upstairs and then started crying saying 'ane ... this boy's father also died this way .. something has happened to my son'.  Lahiru was lying face downwards on the mattress. When we turned his up his body we noticed that his face had taken on a different hue. The driver was not at home. I put the boy into the vehicle and took him to Jayawardene Hospital and there the doctors said that Lahiru has passed away.
This young man who mysteriously died in this manner on 26 October 2016 had been residing at No. 71 close to No. 74 down Mangala Mawatha, Hokandara South, Hokandara; the house belonging to Mr. Wimal Weeravansha, MP and leader of Jathika Nidahas Peramuna. Medical reports relevant to the death were not produced in courts that day and the police informed courts that the Government Analyst's Report on the death had not been received after a lapse of 3 months. The Magistrate put off the case for hearing until 22nd of next month. 
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Monday, November 28, 2016

Five killed as train crashes into car in Wadduwa

Five killed as train crashes into car in Wadduwa

A most unfortunate accident took place today at Wadduwa, Pothupitiya, Poddaramulla. The number of persons who died from this accident which occurred this afternoon at the unprotected level crossing were 5 in number

The motor vehicle which tried to go across the level crossing was struck by a train travelling towards Maradana from Galle and the car was rapidly dragged and the 5 males inside it thus met with death. They were identified as those aged 43, 45, 49 and 60 years of age; residents of Wadduwa, Waskaduwa and Kuda Waskaduwa areas. The dead bodies are lying at the Panadura Hospital mortuary. The post-mortem is to be carried out tomorrow.

Maradana from Galle and the car was rapidly dragged and the 5 males inside it thus met with death. They were identified as those aged 43, 45, 49 and 60 years of age; residents of Wadduwa, Waskaduwa and Kuda Waskaduwa areas. The dead bodies are lying at the Panadura Hospital mortuary. The post-mortem is to be carried out tomorrow.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Porn star Jessica Drake becomes a woman of 11 accused of sexual assault of Trump

Drake alleged that Trump grabbed her and two other women tightly and kissed them without their "permission".Porn star Jessica Drake becomes a woman of 11 accused of sexual assault of Trump
CLEVELAND: Another woman has accused Donald Trump of sexual assault, threatening the already fragile campaign of the controversial Republican presidential nominee who vowed to sue every such complainant.
At a news conference in Los Angeles, Jessica Drake, an adult film actress, said that she met Trump ten years ago at a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, California. She was then invited to Trump's suite. She went there along with some of her women friends.
Drake, 42, alleged that Trump grabbed her and two other unidentified women tightly and kissed them without their "permission". She was later offered USD 10,000 for coming to his room.
Later, an unknown person called her on Trump's behalf, inviting her to come back to his room alone, which she refused.
"After I returned to my room, I received a call from a man calling on Donald's behalf. He said that Donald wanted me to come back upstairs to his suite. I indicated that I did not wish to return," she said.
"He asked me to return to his suite and have dinner with him. He also invited me to a party. I declined," she alleged.
Trump then himself asked, "What do you want? How much?" offering USD 10,000, Drake, who was accompanied by attorney Gloria allred, said.
Trump then himself asked, "What do you want? How much?" offering USD 10,000, Drake, who was accompanied by attorney Gloria allred, said.
Eleven woman have so far accused Trump of sexual misconduct since the leak of 2005 video in which he is seen making lewd remarks about women, prompting a rare apology from the Republican presidential candidate.
Like many of the women before her, Drake said her decision was sparked by watching a 2005 video of Trump bragging about getting away with assaulting women because of his celebrity status.
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign has refuted the charges claiming that the story is completely "false" and the "picture is one of thousands taken out of respect for people asking to have their picture taken with Trump."
"Trump does not know this person, does not remember this person and would have no interest in ever knowing her," the Campaign said.
"This is just another attempt by the Clinton campaign to defame a candidate who just today is number one in three different polls," it said.
"Anyone who would pay thugs to incite violence at a rally against American citizens, as was released on video, will stop at nothing. Just another example of the Clinton campaign trying to rig the election," said the Trump Campaign.
Terming the allegation against him as "total fabrication" 70-year-old Trump had said, "All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."
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Monday, October 24, 2016

Women 'nearing equality with men - in alcohol consumption'

  • Three times as likely to drink to problematic levels
  • And 3.6 times as likely to develop health problems from drinking, such as liver cirrhosis
  • A smidge - 1.1 times - as likely as women to drink alcohol at all
  • A much lower 1.2 times as likely to drink to problematic levels
  • And 1.3 times as likely to develop health problems from drinking

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Allocations for Provincial Councils to be spent based on a circular on priority areas- President

Image result for  Maithripala  with school childrens

President Maithripala Sirisena says he would issue a circular which indicates that the allocations for Provincial Councils should be spent, based on a document which recognized the priorities of development.

“Many injustices have been occurred in many provinces due to spending of money over the personnel opinions of individuals, without recognizing the priorities of development”, he added.
The President was speaking at the ceremony held yesterday (Oct. 24) to open the newly built technical lab and the medical studies unit at the Ananda Balika Vidyalaya, Hingurakgoda. The badges were also pinned to the prefects of the schools at this occasion.
President Sirisena stated that if there is a shortage of desks and chairs in many school in the country, the provincial educational authorities should be responsible to rectify that.
“The requirements of the class room as well as pure drinking water, electricity and the playground facilities should be provided to the children within the development priorities in the field of education”, he said.
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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Price reduced drugs through Osusala from Today (24th Oct)

State Pharmaceuticals Corporation through its Osusala branches will provide public the recently Gazetted 48 drug items at reduced prices from Today .

These steps were taken by SPC following the instructions given by Health Minister Rajitha Senarthne.
Accordingly, the public will be able to obtain the required drugs from island-wide 32 Osusala branches and other 130 sub branches. Managing Director, SPC, Dr. H.M.M. Rumie said that SPC already have the stocks of those 48 drug items with them. They all have been subjected to a quality check before shipment as well as before issuing to the market.
Meanwhile, Minister Senarathne has also instructed the Health Secretary Anura Jayawickreme to commence a check to look into whether the public receive those drugs at reduced prices. Support from the Investigation Unit of the Ministry, PHIs, Food Inspectors, and the Consumer Affairs Authority will also be obtained. Further, the Secretary has been instructed to conduct raids against the violators and to introduce two contact numbers for complaints. The SPC and the Medical Supply Division were also directed by the minister to import and maintain stocks of drugs to face the possible drug shortages.
Under the second phase, the price of high expensive drugs will be reduced.
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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Sri Lankam woman who maintained a kasippu den in Kuwait, caught with accessories!

Sri Lankan woman who maintained a "kasippu" den in Kuwait, caught with accessories!

A kasippu distillery maintained by a Sri Lankan woman in Faiha area in Kuwait for a length of time with distilling machines, barrels, plastic bottles with packing instruments have been cordoned by security personnel in that country. At the time she was nabbed, Kuwait media has
reported that 10 barrels of liquor, 400 bottles, 13 distilling pumps and a stock of raw material were found.

On a tip off received about a place where illicit liquor was being sold at a cheaper price in that area, a team of flying squad officers from the Internal Security Ministry of Kuwait were utilised for this raid and thus it had been possible to take the relevant stocks into custody.
This piece of news has already circulated across most media in Arabian countries and Middle East Sri Lankans have been humiliated as a result. Photographs taken at the raided spot, from below

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Fierce ISIL resistance as Iraqi troops move on Mosul

The offensive is the largest military operation launched in Iraq since the 2003 US-led invasion [Reuters]
Iraqi forces launched a third front in the offensive to take back Mosul but ISIL fighters put up stiff resistance, unleashing a wave of vehicle-borne suicide bombers, while leaving a deadly trail of hidden explosive devices.
Iraq's government said on Thursday its soldiers advanced from the south and east, while Kurdish Peshmerga fighters moved in from the north and east on the country's second-largest city, now under control of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as ISIS.
Attack helicopters strafed ISIL positions as Iraq's special forces entered the town of Bartella, 15km east of Mosul's outskirts.
"After we break them in Bartella, everywhere else they will crumble," said Major-General Fadhil Barwari.
He said ISIL had few defences in the town, which was almost completely empty of civilians. "They just left some snipers and suicide car bombs."
ISIL fighters drove at least nine suicide car and truck bombs against the advancing troops, eight of which were destroyed before reaching their targets, while the ninth struck an armoured Humvee, Lieutenant-Colonel Muntadhar al-Shimmari told The Associated Press news agency.
The deadly defence offered a glimpse at what Iraqi forces can expect as they approach ISIL's biggest urban bastion.
Al Jazeera's Imran Khan, reporting from Erbil, said as of 2100 GMT on Thursday Bartella remained in the hands of ISIL and the fighting continued.
He reported the area of Bashiqa, northeast of Mosul, also remained besieged and Iraqi forces were fighting to take villages surrounding it.
"This is a very tough fight," Khan said. "They need to push through in order to open up a road that takes them 10km into Mosul via the highway. The battle is continuing and they are getting very close towards Mosul."
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The real thieves of white turtles caught although singer Amal Perera was suspected in year 2013

The real thieves of white turtles caught although singer Amal Perera was suspected in year 2013

 The real thieves of white turtles caught although singer Amal Perera was suspected in year 2013

It has been revealed that the theft in the white turtle robbery that had taken place at a turtle raring institution in Kosgoda in the year 2013 by a ex army commodore Ajith Boyagoda who had been in the custody of the LTTE for years and then who retired after his release together with three underworld activists.
These suspects have been taken into the custody by the
criminal investigation department.The suspects had been produced before the Balapitiya and had been ordered to be remanded until the 02nd of next month.
 It is reported that after commodore Boyagoda had retired he had commenced an aquarium raring ornamental fish on a large scale. Then he had signed an an agreement with some Maldivian businessmen to  market white turtles to the tune of  rupees  ten billion .These facts had been revealed via police investigations.
The other day for a theft of jewelry worth rupees billion 3 1/2 from a shop in Dam Street ,Pettah Army Sampath and four others  and two others connected to two murders in Borelegamuwa had been caught and arrested,During interrogation the secret of the mysterious white turtle case had surfaced.
It had been revealed that the contract for stealing white turtles had been rupees sixty thousand.
However for this theft popular singer Amal Perera was suspected and he had to answer to the media thus defaming his good name.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Afghan forces retake district from Taliban

Afghan forces retake district from Taliban

KUNDUZ, AFP, Aug 21, 2016 -
Afghan forces have recaptured a district that had fallen briefly to the Taliban, officials and residents said Sunday, after thousands of people fled their homes in Afghanistan's northeastern Kunduz province.
Khan Abad district, which is around 30 kilometres east of Kunduz city -- the provincial capital where militants last year scored their biggest ever victory -- had fallen to the Taliban after they launched a pre-dawn attack on the district centre on Saturday, according to local officials.
Several hours later Afghan special forces were deployed to the area -- a key route to Kunduz city -- to retake the district.
The district was recaptured by government forces on Saturday evening, according to Sayed Mahmood Danish, a Kunduz governor spokesman.
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Light turns red for beggars at traffic lights

Light turns red for beggars at traffic lights
The Police today launched an operation to arrest beggars frequenting traffic lights in a move to prevent traffic congestion and possible road accidents.
They said the decision was taken because those begging at traffic lights were a hindrance to vehicular traffic often resulting in congestion.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sajith Premadasa responds to video on FB

Sajith Premadasa responds to video on FB

Responding to a video showing Minister Sajith Premadasa providing jobs reportedly to those who worked for him at last year's general election, he said today he was providing a few jobs in the private sector to resolve huge unemployment in Hambantota.
In a post on his official Facebook Page, the housing minister said the unemployment issue in Hambantota was not solved in spite of the port and airport projects, which had failed to generate jobs.
He said he expressed his love to all those who were assassinating his character and attempting to malign his name by using the leaked video.
“Those employers insist that security personnel have to possess a reasonable height but the labour grade does not specify such a stipulation. This is what I was explaining. This is the truth and as usual many want to make a mountain out of a molehill. It's sad,” he said.
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Police stage snap evacuation as croc invades station

Police stage snap evacuation as croc invades station
 Police stage snap evacuation as croc invades station
A crocodile which broke into a Sri Lankan police station and stayed the night forced constables to abandon their posts until it was captured by wildlife authorities, officers said today.
Police said the six-foot (two metre) crocodile barged in through a back door of the crime branch at Nochchiyagama station, 190 kilometres north of Colombo.
“Police men and women evacuated the building when the crocodile crashed in. It stayed put till this morning when wildlife officials showed up and took it away,” a police official told AFP. “It did not hurt anyone.”
Another official said locals were accustomed to frequent elephant attacks on villages in the remote area, but an invasive crocodile was a rarity.
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President Maithripala Sirisena meets Putin, She Jin and Suki at Bricks summit in photos

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Saturday, September 3, 2016

LTTE, Diaspora protest against Mahinda In Malaysia

LTTE,  Diaspora protest against Mahinda In Malaysia
Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa has toured Malaysia to participate in seminar from the 1st to the 04th instant. It is reported that the LTTE loyalists in Malaysia had protested on the 01st instant against his participation.
It is reported that today the LTTE diaspora members have arranged a protest around the place where the seminar is staged.
Hence as Mahinda Rajapaksa is participating a special security arrangements have been made around the place where the seminar is held.

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